Davide, see bx.bbi.bigwig_file.BigWigFile Implemented in Cython, there is also some BigBed support with a common class (bbi_file) for the indexing and aggregation pieces. This is currently read only. Also, not tested exhaustively on different types of bigwig, but I believe we have most cases correct. Input is welcome! On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:14 PM, Davide Cittaro wrote:
Hi all, Probably this is not the best place to ask about bx-python, but since most of bx developers are galaxy developers, it may be worth trying... I just want to know the status of bigwig support in bx. I need to handle bigwig as input data and I previously wrapped kent binaries with python subprocess. I wanted to make it more pythonic and started reading bigwig docs. If bx already has support for an iterator similar to bx.wiggle.Reader (I need to transfer all the chromosome in another data structure) I won't read docs further :-)