Hi Alexandre,Thanks for reporting this issue. We have committed a fix here https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/commits/7fd6061e43d5/ and it will be applied to additional releases soon. Please let know if you encounter additional issues.Thanks for using Galaxy,DanOn Jan 14, 2015, at 1:40 PM, Alexandre Defelicibus <adefelicibus@gmail.com> wrote:___________________________________________________________Hi all,I've updated a Galaxy server with the latest stable distribution "latest_2015.01.13" and now a I got an error:cannot open galaxy.tools.wrappers.DatasetFilenameWrapper: No such fileThe tool has a multiple select field:<param name="input_pdbs" type="data" multiple="true" format="pdb" label="PDB Files" />On the job details, the select files on the multiple select (there are on my history already), are showed at the Job command line as follow:python /home/alexandre/mestrado/protpred-galaxy/galaxy-dist/tools/analysis/dominance_ranking.py -i [<galaxy.tools.wrappers.DatasetFilenameWrapper object at 0x7f4e1a653290>, <galaxy.tools.wrappers.DatasetFilenameWrapper object at 0x7f4e1a653bd0>, <galaxy.tools.wrappers.DatasetFilenameWrapper object at 0x7f4e1a653d90>, <galaxy.tools.wrappers.DatasetFilenameWrapper object at 0x7f4e1a61de10>]The command on XML is:<command interpreter="python">dominance_ranking.py -i $input_pdbs</command>This tool was working fine before the update.Any ideas what Is going wrong?Thanks a lot,Alexandre--Alexandre DefelicibusMestrando em BioengenhariaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em BioengenhariaUniversidade de São Paulo - USP
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