My two cents below.
On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Björn Grüning
<> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
>> We're thinking that the following approach makes the most sense:
>> <action type="setup_perl_environment"> OR <action
>> type="setup_r_environment"> OR <action type="setup_ruby_environment"> OR
>> <action type="setup_virtualenv">
>> <repository changeset_revision="978287122b91"
>> name="package_perl_5_18" owner="iuc"
>> toolshed="">
>> <package name="perl" version="5.18.1" />
>> </repository>
>> <repository changeset_revision="8fc96166cddd"
>> name="package_expat_2_1" owner="iuc"
>> toolshed="">
>> <package name="expat" version="2.1" />
>> </repository>
>> </action>
>> For all <repository> tag sets contained within these setup_* tags, the
>> repository's would be pulled in for the setup of the specified
>> environment without requiring a set_environment_for_install action type.
>> Would this work for your use cases?
> Yes, the first one. But its a little bit to verbose or? Include the perl
> repository in a setup_perl environment should be implicit or? We can
> assume that this need to be present.
> Do you have example why sourcing every <repository> by default can be
> harmful? It would make such an installation so much easier and less
> complex.
I am not sure I understand this paragraph - I have a vague sense I
agree but is there any chance you could rephrase this or elaborate?
>> If so, can you confirm that this should be done for all four currently
>> supported setup_* action types?
I think it would be best to tackle setup_r_environment and
setup_ruby_environment first. setup_virtualenv cannot have nested
elements at this time - it is just assumed to be a bunch of text
(either a file containing the dependencies or a list of the
So setup_r_environment and setup_ruby_environment have the same structure:
<repository .. />
<package .. />
<package .. />
... but setup_virtualenv is just
I have created a Trello card for this:
(and some other related stuff).
Once that is tackled though, it will make sense to allow
setup_virtualenv to utilize the same functionality.
Thanks all,
> I think it will solve my current issues.
>> Based on your response, Greg or I will implement this as soon as possible.
> Thanks!
> Bjoern
>> --Dave B.
>> On 11/06/2013 03:05 AM, Björn Grüning wrote:
>> > Hi John,
>> >
>> >> Perl complicates things, TPP complicates things greatly.
>> >
>> > So true, so true ...
>> >
>> >> Bjoern, can I ask you if this hypothetical exhibits the same problem
>> >> and can be used to reason about these things more easily and drive a
>> >> test implementation.
>> >
>> > Yes to both questions :)
>> >
>> >> So right now, Galaxy has setup_virtualenv which will build and install
>> >> Python packages in a virtual environment. However, some Python
>> >> packages have C library dependencies that could prevent them from
>> >> being installed.
>> >>
>> >> As a specific example - take PyTables (install via "pip install
>> >> tables") - which is a package for managing hierarchical datasets. If
>> >> you try to install this with pip the way Galaxy will - it will fail if
>> >> you do not have libhdf5 installed. So at a high-level, it would be
>> >> nice if the tool shed had a libhdf5 definition and the dependencies
>> >> file had some mechanism for declaring libhdf5 should be installed
>> >> before a setup_virtualenv containing "tables" and its environment
>> >> configured properly so the pip install succeeds (maybe just
>> >> LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set).
>> >
>> > Indeed, same problem. I think we have this problem in every high-level
>> > install methodm because <set_environment_for_install> is not allowed as
>> > first action tag.
>> >
>> > Can you think of any case where ENV vars can conflict with each other,
>> > besides set_to, and assuming that we source every file by default
>> > for every specified <package>.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Bjoern
>> >
>> >> -John
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Björn Grüning
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >>> Hi Greg,
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Hello Bjoern,
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 12:13 PM, Bjoern Gruening <>
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> Hi Greg,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I'm right now in implementing a setup_perl_environment and stumbled about
>> >>>> a tricky problem (that is not only related to perl but also for ruby, python
>> >>>> and R).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The Problem:
>> >>>> Lets assume a perl package (A) requires a xml parser written in C/C++ (Z).
>> >>>> (Z) is a dependency that I can import but as far as I can see there is no
>> >>>> way to call set_environment_for_install before setup_perl_environment,
>> >>>> because setup_perl_environment defines an installation type.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> The above is fairly difficult to understand - can you provide an actual xml
>> >>> recipe that provides some context?
>> >>>
>> >>> Attached, please see a detailed explanation at the bottom.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I would like to discuss that issue to get a few ideas. I can think about
>> >>>> these solutions:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> - hackish solution:
>> >>>> I can call install_environment.add_env_shell_file_paths( action_dict[
>> >>>> 'env_shell_file_paths' ] ) inside of the setup_*_environment path and remove
>> >>>> it from action type afterwards
>> >>>
>> >>> Again, it's difficult to provide good feedback on the above approach without
>> >>> an example recipe. However, your "hackish solution" term probably means it
>> >>> is not ideal. ;)
>> >>>
>> >>> :)
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> - import all variables from every (package) definition. Regardless
>> >>>> if set_environment_for_install is set or not.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> I don't think the above approach would be ideal. It seems that it could
>> >>> fairly easily create conflicting environment variables within a single
>> >>> installation,
>> >>> so the latest value for an environment variable may not be what is expected.
>> >>>
>> >>> What means conflicting ENV vars, I only can imagine multiple set_to that
>> >>> overwrite each other. append_to and prepend_to should be save or?
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>> I must admit, I do not understand why set_environment_for_install is
>> >>>> actually needed. I think we can assume that if I specify a
>> >>>>
>> >>>> <package name="R_3_0_1" version="3.0.1">
>> >>>> <repository name="package_r_3_0_1" owner="iuc"
>> >>>> prior_installation_required="True" />
>> >>>> </package>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I want the ENV vars sourced.
>> >>>
>> >>> Hmmm…so you are saying that you want the be able to define the above
>> >>> <package> tag set inside of an <actions> tag set and have everything work?
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Oh no, I mean just have it as package like it is but source the file
>> >>> for every other <package> set automatically. So you do not need
>> >>> <set_environment_for_install>.
>> >>>
>> >>> In the attached example:
>> >>> <package name="expat" version="2.1.0">
>> >>> <repository changeset_revision="8fc96166cddd"
>> >>> name="package_expat_2_1" owner="iuc" prior_installation_required="True"
>> >>> toolshed="" />
>> >>> </package>
>> >>>
>> >>> Is not imported with <set_environment_for_install> so its actually useless
>> >>> (now). But the needs to be sourced during the
>> >>> "setup_perl_environment" part.
>> >>>
>> >>> I think this may cause problems because I believe the
>> >>> <set_environment_for_install> tag set restricts activity to only the time
>> >>> when a dependent
>> >>> repository will be using the defined environment from the required
>> >>> repository in order to compile one or more of it's dependencies.
>> >>> Eliminating this restriction may cause problems after compilation. ALthough
>> >>> I cannot state this as a definite fact.
>> >>>
>> >>>> Furthermore, that can solve an other issue: Namely, the need of ENV vars
>> >>>> from a package definition in the same file. Lets imagine package P has
>> >>>> dependency D and you want to download compile both in one
>> >>>> tool_dependencies.xml file.
>> >>>> You can either do it in one <package> definition or you need to split them
>> >>>> up in 2 tool_dependencies.xml files, rigth?
>> >>>> Maybe we can just assume a strict order in a tool_dependencies.xml file,
>> >>>> where every ENV vars are sourced for the following one? Does that make
>> >>>> sense?
>> >>>
>> >>> It may make sense, but without an example it's diffiecult to answer this for
>> >>> sure. Can you provide some xml recipes that use your different proposals?
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Sure, attached.
>> >>> Its quite complicated.
>> >>>
>> >>> - TPP needs libgd to compile C-Code (no problem).
>> >>> - TPP needs some perl libs and perl -> "setup_perl_environment" (at runtime)
>> >>> - no problem until one of these perl packages (here XML-Parser) needs a C
>> >>> library (expat)
>> >>> - I don't see how to source expat during "setup_perl_environment"
>> >>> - TPP needs perl (at compile time) ... It would be more readable or logical
>> >>> to separate this recipe into two parts: TPP and Perl libraries
>> >>>
>> >>> Something like that:
>> >>> <package name="trans_proteomic_pipeline_perl_libs" version="4.6.3">
>> >>> .....
>> >>> set PERL5LIBS
>> >>> </package>
>> >>> <package name="trans_proteomic_pipeline" version="4.6.3">
>> >>> ....
>> >>> Here I need the PERL5LIBS
>> >>> </package>
>> >>>
>> >>> - I don't see any way to get the PERL5LIBS from the perl libraries into a
>> >>> separate <package> section which tries to compile TPP.
>> >>>
>> >>>> Any other ideas?
>> >>>
>> >>> Not yet, but possibly after your next response. ;)
>> >>>
>> >>> :) Here we go!
>> >>> Thanks Greg!
>> >>> Bjoern
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>> Thanks,
>> >>>> Bjoern
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks!
>> >>>
>> >>> Greg Von Kuster
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
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