Hello everyone,

I am trying to set up a local Galaxy instance publicly available and configured via  pbs/torque in order to fully exploit a multi-cpu server.

So I changed my job_conf.xml and my galaxy.ini files (described in the end of the e-mail) according to the istructions on the Galaxy site  but when I tried to run the run.sh script:

 GALAXY_RUN_ALL=1 sh run.sh --daemon

all the handlers start from instead of

Has anyone encountered that issue before. Am I missing something?

Thank you,

The changes in the files:


processes = 12
stats = # i had this at but with no difference
socket = # I had this at but with no difference
pythonpath = lib
threads = 4
logto = /home/galaxy/uwsgi.log
master = True

use = egg:Paste#http
port = 8090
use_threadpool = True
threadpool_workers = 10

use = egg:Paste#http
port = 8091
use_threadpool = True
threadpool_workers = 10

use = egg:Paste#http
port = 8092
use_threadpool = True
threadpool_workers = 10

use = egg:Paste#http
port = 8093
use_threadpool = True
threadpool_workers = 10

use = egg:Paste#http
port = 8094
use_threadpool = True
threadpool_workers = 10

use = egg:Paste#http
port = 8095
use_threadpool = True
threadpool_workers = 10

# The port on which to listen.
 #port = 8090

# The address on which to listen.  By default, only listen to localhost (Galaxy
# will not be accessible over the network).  Use '' to listen on all
# available network interfaces.
host =

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <plugins workers="16">
        <!-- "workers" is the number of threads for the runner's work queue.
             The default from <plugins> is used if not defined for a <plugin>.
        <plugin id="pbs" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.pbs:PBSJobRunner" workers="16"/>
    <handlers default="handlers">
        <!-- Additional job handlers - the id should match the name of a
             [server:<id>] in galaxy.ini.
        <handler id="handler0" tags="handlers"/>
        <handler id="handler1" tags="handlers"/>
        <handler id="handler2" tags="handlers"/>
        <handler id="handler3" tags="handlers"/>
        <handler id="handler4" tags="handlers"/>
        <handler id="handler5" tags="handlers"/>

    <destinations default="torque">
        <!-- Destinations define details about remote resources and how jobs
             should be executed on those remote resources.

        <destination id="torque" runner="pbs"/>
    <destination id="other_cluster" runner="pbs">
        <param id="destination">@other.cluster</param>
    <destination id="long_jobs" runner="pbs">
        <param id="Resource_List">walltime=72:00:00, nodes=1:ppn=8</param>
        <param id="-p">128</param>   