Dear Nate, Thanks for your answer. 1. I could not find it in the admin panel in the UI. When I click on "Manage users", I get the user list and can select users, but there is no "Delete User" button. 2. Which call in the code deletes a user? I can then write my own API method. 3. If I try to reset passwords for more than one user at a time, I get the error trackback: |TypeError: Odd-length string| URL: Module weberror.evalexception.middleware:*364* in |respond| <> view <> |>> <>app_iter *=* self*.*application*(*environ*,* detect_start_response*)*| Module paste.debug.prints:*98* in |__call__| <> view <> |>> <>environ*,* self*.*app*)*| Module paste.wsgilib:*539* in |intercept_output| <> view <> |>> <>app_iter *=* application*(*environ*,* replacement_start_response*)*| Module paste.recursive:*80* in |__call__| <> view <> |>> <>*return* self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*| Module paste.httpexceptions:*632* in |__call__| <> view <> |>> <>*return* self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*| Module galaxy.web.framework.base:*160* in |__call__| <> view <> |>> <>body *=* method*(* trans*,* ****kwargs *)*| Module galaxy.web.framework:*173* in |decorator| <> view <> |>> <>*return* func*(* self*,* trans*,* ***args*,* ****kwargs *)*| Module galaxy.web.base.controller:*2025* in |reset_user_password| <> view <> |>> <>user *=* get_user*(* trans*,* user_id *)*| Module galaxy.web.base.controller:*2413* in |get_user| <> view <> |>> <>id *=* trans*.*security*.*decode_id*(* id *)*| Module*45* in |decode_id| <> view <> |>> <>*return* int*(* self*.*id_cipher*.*decrypt*(* obj_id*.*decode*(* 'hex' *)* *)**.*lstrip*(* "!" *)* *)*| Module encodings.hex_codec:*42* in |hex_decode| <> view <> |>> <>output *=* binascii*.*a2b_hex*(*input*)*| *TypeError: Odd-length string* 4. A similar problem occurs when I try to delete multiple data libraries under "Manage data libraries". One library deletion works, but multiple yields an error message: Invalid Library id ( df7a1f0c02a5b08e,0a248a1f62a0cc04,03501d7626bd192f,3f5830403180d620,2a56795cad3c7db3,417e33144b294c21,5a1cff6882ddb5b2,2d9035b3fc152403,4b187121143038ff,c9468fdb6dc5c5f1,1e8ab44153008be8,e85a3be143d5905b ) specifield. Thanks so much in advance, Oren On 11/10/2011 10:36 AM, Nate Coraor wrote:
On Nov 9, 2011, at 6:14 PM, Oren Livne wrote:
Dear All, Is it possible to delete a galaxy user or multiple users with a UI call or an API call? Hi Oren,
Deleting users via the API is not currently implemented, but it can be done under the admin panel in the UI. Adding it to the API would likely be fairly trivial.
Thanks, Oren ___________________________________________________________ Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all" in your mail client. To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at: