hari krishna wrote:
What is the difference between threadpool_workers and local_job_queue_workers*.*
Hi, threadpool_workers is the number of threads which will be available to serve web requests. This means the number of possible concurrent browser connections, but this value can remain fairly low since most web transactions are < 1 second. local_job_queue_workers is the number of tool processes that Galaxy will start and allow to run at the same time. For example, if you set this value to 2 and then submit 3 jobs, the third one will wait for one of the first two to finish before it will execute.
what is the maximum size that i can set local_job_queue_workers value?
There's not really a maximum, but it doesn't make sense to set this much higher than the number of CPU cores in your server. I would suggest setting it to (cores - 1) to ensure the Galaxy process itself always has a core to run on. --nate
-- Thanks & Regards, Hari Krishna .M
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