Dear all I was wondering if anybody has experience running a galaxy production server using docker for mac. I know it's beta testing at the moment but since the Virtual machine environment gave us such a hard time preserving and managing user data etc. I thought I try it anyway... However, it seems to be not as easy as expected. after installation of docker I pull the new docker galaxy image with docker pull quay.io/bgruening/galaxy:16.04 When I start a test container with net=host docker run -it --net=host quay.io/bgruening/galaxy:16.04) I am not able to connect to the galaxy web app and get this error: Starting ProFTP proftpd: ERROR (abnormal termination) and ==> /home/galaxy/logs/slurmd.log <== [2016-06-29T08:13:41.440] error: Unable to resolve "moby": Unknown host [2016-06-29T08:13:41.440] error: Unable to establish control machine address I then tried to use Kinematik and at least I get the web app running. However, I didn't find the option to change the network settings to net=host And I have the additional problem that I have to assign ownership rights to the folders in /export and I get the following error: chown -R postgres:postgres /postgresql chown: postgres: illegal group name I know these are many issues, but maybe one of you has experience with this and could provide some help. Thanks a lot, Philipp