9 Dec
9 Dec
10:55 a.m.
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Liisa Koski <liisa.koski@dnalandmarks.ca> wrote:
Hi , Looks like the tool Divide FASTQ file into paired and unpaired reads is not recognizing my paired-end naming suffix
@HWI-ST916:79:D04M5ACXX:1:1101:10000:100326 1:N:0:TGNCCA @HWI-ST916:79:D04M5ACXX:1:1101:10000:100326 2:N:0:TGNCCA
Is there a patch for this or another tool/way I can divide this fastq file?
Thanks in advance, Liisa
That's a new Illumina FASTQ file isn't it, where they went and changed the read naming? That annoyed quite a few people... Presumably you're talking about my tool of that name on the Galaxy Tool Shed? I can take a look at this now if you agree to test it ;) Peter