On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Olivier CLAUDE <o.claude@outlook.fr> wrote:
I followed the instuctions given by peter and signalp works with galaxy! Thanks a lot! Do I try the same for tmhmm2 and promoter2? Thanks a lot again!
Our notes from installing tmhmm2: TMHMM arrives as the compressed file tmhmm-2.0c.Linux.tar.gz which can be uncompressed in the usual way $ tar -zxvf tmhmm-2.0c.Linux.tar.gz We also move this to /usr/opt/timhmm-2.0c for consistency with SIGNALP, and create the link in /usr/local/bin: $ sudo cp -R tmhmm-2.0c/ /usr/opt $ sudo ln -s /usr/opt/tmhmm-2.0c/bin/tmhmm /usr/local/bin/ We needed to modify the main TMHMM script and tmhmmformat.pl to point it at the right Perl on the system, replace the first line: #!/usr/local/bin/perl with: #!/usr/bin/env perl Also at about line 17, set the path to match what you've used: $opt_basedir = '/usr/opt/tmhmm-2.0c'; You can change the defaults in this script too, but the Galaxy wrapper should not mind. Peter