The option to filter a BED file by the score in the visualization tool is brilliant! There is just one draw back: you can only filter by integers. Hence a score of 1.1 is the same as of score of 1.3.

How difficult would it be to change the code in order to allow floats for the filter?  Such a feature would help us a lot!

Hi Hans,

Good catch. The actual filtering step is fixed in galaxy-central changeset 5943:4f992059bfeb 

However, right now the slider/text still works in whole numbers most of the time; I'm not sure if it's feasible to have it work in tenths by default because that creates a huge number of possible slider states. If you didn't know, you can type in numbers to the slider labels, but that too rounds right now--this should probably be changed. 

Can you share a BED file with floats in the score column and I can play with it a bit? 
