Björn, We're thinking that the following approach makes the most sense: <action type="setup_perl_environment"> OR <action type="setup_r_environment"> OR <action type="setup_ruby_environment"> OR <action type="setup_virtualenv"> <repository changeset_revision="978287122b91" name="package_perl_5_18" owner="iuc" toolshed=""> <package name="perl" version="5.18.1" /> </repository> <repository changeset_revision="8fc96166cddd" name="package_expat_2_1" owner="iuc" toolshed=""> <package name="expat" version="2.1" /> </repository> </action> For all <repository> tag sets contained within these setup_* tags, the repository's would be pulled in for the setup of the specified environment without requiring a set_environment_for_install action type. Would this work for your use cases? If so, can you confirm that this should be done for all four currently supported setup_* action types? Based on your response, Greg or I will implement this as soon as possible. --Dave B. On 11/06/2013 03:05 AM, Björn Grüning wrote:
Hi John,
Perl complicates things, TPP complicates things greatly.
So true, so true ...
Bjoern, can I ask you if this hypothetical exhibits the same problem and can be used to reason about these things more easily and drive a test implementation.
Yes to both questions :)
So right now, Galaxy has setup_virtualenv which will build and install Python packages in a virtual environment. However, some Python packages have C library dependencies that could prevent them from being installed.
As a specific example - take PyTables (install via "pip install tables") - which is a package for managing hierarchical datasets. If you try to install this with pip the way Galaxy will - it will fail if you do not have libhdf5 installed. So at a high-level, it would be nice if the tool shed had a libhdf5 definition and the dependencies file had some mechanism for declaring libhdf5 should be installed before a setup_virtualenv containing "tables" and its environment configured properly so the pip install succeeds (maybe just LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set).
Indeed, same problem. I think we have this problem in every high-level install methodm because <set_environment_for_install> is not allowed as first action tag.
Can you think of any case where ENV vars can conflict with each other, besides set_to, and assuming that we source every file by default for every specified <package>.
Cheers, Bjoern
On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Björn Grüning <> wrote:
Hi Greg,
Hello Bjoern,
On Nov 5, 2013, at 12:13 PM, Bjoern Gruening <> wrote:
Hi Greg,
I'm right now in implementing a setup_perl_environment and stumbled about a tricky problem (that is not only related to perl but also for ruby, python and R).
The Problem: Lets assume a perl package (A) requires a xml parser written in C/C++ (Z). (Z) is a dependency that I can import but as far as I can see there is no way to call set_environment_for_install before setup_perl_environment, because setup_perl_environment defines an installation type.
The above is fairly difficult to understand - can you provide an actual xml recipe that provides some context?
Attached, please see a detailed explanation at the bottom.
I would like to discuss that issue to get a few ideas. I can think about these solutions:
- hackish solution: I can call install_environment.add_env_shell_file_paths( action_dict[ 'env_shell_file_paths' ] ) inside of the setup_*_environment path and remove it from action type afterwards
Again, it's difficult to provide good feedback on the above approach without an example recipe. However, your "hackish solution" term probably means it is not ideal. ;)
- import all variables from every (package) definition. Regardless if set_environment_for_install is set or not.
I don't think the above approach would be ideal. It seems that it could fairly easily create conflicting environment variables within a single installation, so the latest value for an environment variable may not be what is expected.
What means conflicting ENV vars, I only can imagine multiple set_to that overwrite each other. append_to and prepend_to should be save or?
I must admit, I do not understand why set_environment_for_install is actually needed. I think we can assume that if I specify a
<package name="R_3_0_1" version="3.0.1"> <repository name="package_r_3_0_1" owner="iuc" prior_installation_required="True" /> </package>
I want the ENV vars sourced.
Hmmm…so you are saying that you want the be able to define the above <package> tag set inside of an <actions> tag set and have everything work?
Oh no, I mean just have it as package like it is but source the file for every other <package> set automatically. So you do not need <set_environment_for_install>.
In the attached example: <package name="expat" version="2.1.0"> <repository changeset_revision="8fc96166cddd" name="package_expat_2_1" owner="iuc" prior_installation_required="True" toolshed="" /> </package>
Is not imported with <set_environment_for_install> so its actually useless (now). But the needs to be sourced during the "setup_perl_environment" part.
I think this may cause problems because I believe the <set_environment_for_install> tag set restricts activity to only the time when a dependent repository will be using the defined environment from the required repository in order to compile one or more of it's dependencies. Eliminating this restriction may cause problems after compilation. ALthough I cannot state this as a definite fact.
Furthermore, that can solve an other issue: Namely, the need of ENV vars from a package definition in the same file. Lets imagine package P has dependency D and you want to download compile both in one tool_dependencies.xml file. You can either do it in one <package> definition or you need to split them up in 2 tool_dependencies.xml files, rigth? Maybe we can just assume a strict order in a tool_dependencies.xml file, where every ENV vars are sourced for the following one? Does that make sense?
It may make sense, but without an example it's diffiecult to answer this for sure. Can you provide some xml recipes that use your different proposals?
Sure, attached. Its quite complicated.
- TPP needs libgd to compile C-Code (no problem). - TPP needs some perl libs and perl -> "setup_perl_environment" (at runtime) - no problem until one of these perl packages (here XML-Parser) needs a C library (expat) - I don't see how to source expat during "setup_perl_environment" - TPP needs perl (at compile time) ... It would be more readable or logical to separate this recipe into two parts: TPP and Perl libraries
Something like that: <package name="trans_proteomic_pipeline_perl_libs" version="4.6.3"> ..... set PERL5LIBS </package> <package name="trans_proteomic_pipeline" version="4.6.3"> .... Here I need the PERL5LIBS </package>
- I don't see any way to get the PERL5LIBS from the perl libraries into a separate <package> section which tries to compile TPP.
Any other ideas?
Not yet, but possibly after your next response. ;)
:) Here we go! Thanks Greg! Bjoern
Thanks, Bjoern
Greg Von Kuster
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