
Looks good.  

This page also had some info on per tool use of -nt and -nct
If remember correctly,  GATK doesn't ignore options that don't apply, it just does an ungraceful exit.  
I not sure if I had that sorted out when I last worked on this. 

I'm not sure how much the 
-nct / --num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread   value should be tuned,
but it may make sense for that to be a variable or in a macro. 

I gave you write permission on:
if you care to use that, otherwise we could migrate to a new tool shed repository.



On 11/20/13, 10:19 AM, Bjoern Gruening wrote:
Thanks Jim,

I cloned it under:

and added macros. 

If you agree I will try to do the following during the next week:

--num_threads | -nt will be \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} and 
-nct / --num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread will be set to a fixed value
according to

- adding new features if necessary
- Adopting the tool_dependencies.xml
- Adopting the readme file

Help and suggestions would be appreciated.

I pushed a copy of GATK2 from the testtoolshed to bitbucket:

The existing tool dependency no longer makes sense with the current
licensing and access policies by Broad.   

Also, much of the duplication in the individual tool wrappers could be
moved to macros, 
as Chilton did in the galaxy-central GATK:



On 11/19/13, 1:28 PM, Björn Grüning wrote:

Hi Geert,

thanks for the information. Are you running GATK-2.4 or GATK-Lite-2.4.
As far I know the lite version is deprecated.

JJ are your wrappers in bitbucket/github? If you agree I would try to
migrate to a recent GATK version and implement GALAXY_SLOTS. Not sure
about the installation recipe ...



I have GATK 2.4 running in our local galaxy, next to the default galaxy 
1.x version. Both are in the tool menu, but only users that have 
provided a licence or proof that they are from an academic site have 
access to the 2.4 version. This is based on a usergroup check in a 
dynamic job runner configuration.

I used & modified the GATK 2 tool configuration from the test toolshed 
(by jjohnson). Modifications to the xmls included:
     --max_jvm_heap "xG" instead of --max_jvm_heap_fraction "1"  : we 
use shared nodes, so it's not allowed to use all ram.
     --num_threads  : some hard coded thread settings were changed
     made sure the '--et 'NO_ET' is commented out, as we don't have a key.

relevant dynamic_runner part:

from import JobMappingException
if 'gatk2' in tool_id >= 0:
                         user_group_assocs = user.groups or []
                         user_has_license = 'gatk2_license' in 
[ for user_group_assoc in user_group_assocs]
                         if not user_has_license:
                                 raise JobMappingException("GATKv2 is 
only available to non-profit, academic users. Please send a mail to to confirm this.")



On 11/19/2013 12:26 PM, Bjoern Gruening wrote:

I found that the GATK tools do not have the same requirement tag. For
example indel-realigner has version 1.4, realigner_target_creator has
version 1.3. Is that correct? What is the recent version that is
required for GATK?

Also realigner_target_creator uses the "gatk_picard_indexes" location
file, but under tool-data is only a gatk_sorted_picard_indexes.loc

Are there any concrete plans for the GATK wrappers. Especially to update
to a newer version. Or is that not feasible because of this complicated
license policy and the phone-home option ...

I found the following trello card, but its a little bit outdated:

Is anyone running a recent GATK version in Galaxy?


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James E. Johnson, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, University of

James E. Johnson, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota