I am working on putting a tool into the toolshed. I have a bash script wrapper. I uploaded the first version fine, but when I wanted to upload a revision, some unwanted characters are inserted around the revised function of my code (see bottom) ..the inserted "<<<<<< local" etc strings are causing my script to fail of course. How can I prevent this from happening? Saskia snippet of the code: if [[ ! -s $rfile ]] then dummycol=${addcols:2} outputcol=${dummycol//",B."/" "} <<<<<<< local echo -e "${col_chr_name}\t${col_start_name}\t${col_end_name}\t${col_ref_name}\t${col_obs_name}\t$outputcol" > $rfile cat $rfile ======= numcommas=`echo "$addcols" | grep -o "," | wc -l` echo "numcolums: $numcommas" awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{ if(FNR==1) print $0,"'"$outputcol"'"; else{ printf $0 for(i=0;i<="'"$numcommas"'"+1;i++) printf "\t" printf "\n" } }END{}' $ofile > tempofile mv tempofile $ofile return
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