  trying to get my tools going, part 29.  I have a Docker image with the latest Galaxy release, patched to fix the Conda install bug I found earlier, my tools are installed ok and I’ve added a few from the toolshed for good measure. 

One of my tools requires R 3.0.2 which is installed ok.   I also installed scatterplot from the toolshed which requires R 2.11; that is also installed ok by conda. However, I get this message when trying to run scatterplot:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/scatterplot/d243056b22ed/scatterplot/scatterplot.py", line 5, in <module>
    from rpy import *
  File "/tool_deps/rpy/1.0.3/devteam/package_rpy_1_0_3/82170c94ca7c/lib/python/rpy.py", line 134, in <module>
    """ % RVERSION)
RuntimeError: No module named _rpy3002

      RPy module can not be imported. Please check if your rpy
      installation supports R 3.0.2. If you have multiple R versions
      installed, you may need to set RHOME before importing rpy. For
      >>> from rpy_options import set_options
      >>> set_options(RHOME='c:/progra~1/r/rw2011/')
      >>> from rpy import *

So it seems that rpy is installed and is aware of one version of R but not the other, and the other is being found (perhaps because it’s the default install in the Docker image?) 

FYI my docker image recipe is here:


and the image itself is here:


Any pointers to the way forward appreciated.

Department of Computing, Macquarie University