Hello, I've been learning about the tool shed, as precipitated by the decision to move the blast tool out of the standard distribution. (I'm having a problem doing so as documented here: http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/Cannot-install-ncbi-blast-plus-or-other-to... , but that's not the point of this email) Is there a goal to move every tool that's currently included in the EC2 tools snapshot to the public tool shed to keep the standard galaxy distribution leaner? If so, I have two questions/concerns: 1) How will this work with the concept of a tool volume snapshot? I'd have to make a snapshot of my partition every time I installed/removed a tool from a tool shed. Would it make sense to re-characterize the tools volume as a persistent volume (a la the user data volume) instead of it being snapshot driven like it is now? Is it currently possible for me to point to a persistent EC2 tools volume and not a snapshot in my persistent S3 information in order to make the cluster stop/start process simpler? 2) Are there plans to provide ranking or popularity ratings to the public tool shed so I know which tools are the most stable, popular, or perhaps used to be included in the standard distribution? Thanks again for your work, apologies for the verbosity, I'm just getting to know galaxy. -Joel