(cross-posted at https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/20220/ ) I'm trying to create some `tools.xml` that use java. Those tools need to download some library (*.jar) files from http://central.maven.org/ and I want to create a variable $MYTOOLCLASSPATH containing the jars. I've tried the following xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tool_dependency> <package name="mytool" version="0.0.1"> <install version="1.0"> <actions> <action type="shell_command">wget -P "$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR" "http://central.maven.org/lib1.jar" "http://central.maven.org/lib2.jar"</action> <action type="set_environment"> <environment_variable name="MYTOOLCLASSPATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR/lib1.jar:$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR/lib2.jar</environment_variable> </action> </actions> </install> </package> </tool_dependency> the base java command is defined as a token in macro.xml: (...) <token name="@MYJAVA@"> java -cp "\${MYTOOLCLASSPATH}" </token> (...) and called in my tool.xml: <command>@MYJAVA@ tool.Tool ${input} > ${out} </command> but It seems that $MYTOOLCLASSPATH is empty. I've also tried to create a set_environment under <tool_dependency>: <set_environment version="1.0"> <environment_variable name="MYTOOLCLASSPATH" action="set_to">$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR/lib1.jar:$REPOSITORY_INSTALL_DIR/lib2.jar</environment_variable> </set_environment> same problem: the $MYTOOLCLASSPATH remains empty Where Am i wrong ? What's the correct way to define MYTOOLCLASSPATH ? Thanks, Pierre