Hi, I'm currently developing my first Galaxy tool. I'm working on a wrapper for R's library cummeRbund[1]. I got to the point where the tool although incomplete on functionality, I think is ready to be uploaded to the Toolshed. I was able to do so. I also made sure I could then install it on my local instance using the toolshed repository. Everything is working as expected, except, the tool preview is not working correctly. There is no error, but the inputs, most of them conditional inputs, aren't being displayed correctly. This is the direct link to the tool in the test toolshed: http://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repository/manage_repository?operation=view_or_manage_repository&id=575665a9f01c6d41 [1]http://compbio.mit.edu/cummeRbund/ Kind regards, Carlos