Dear All, I have Dockerized the Galaxy and it's running as a containerized application on the DC/OS server. It can be accessed at http://bioopenergalaxy.insight-centre.org/. <http://bioopenergalaxy.insight-centre.org/> However, I'm wondering how to FTP files on it. Please note that I have the following configuration on the galaxy.ini file: # This should point to a directory containing subdirectories matching users' identifier (defaults to e-mail), where Galaxy will look for files. ftp_upload_dir = /export/ftp # This should be the hostname of your FTP server, which will be provided to users in the help text. ftp_upload_site = bioopenergalaxy.insight-centre.org Any help or pointer would be highly appreciated. Regards, _________________________________ *Md. Rezaul Karim*, BSc, MSc Researcher, INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics National University of Ireland, Galway IDA Business Park, Dangan, Galway, Ireland Web: http://www.reza-analytics.eu/index.html <>