8 Jul
8 Jul
9:02 a.m.
Hi James,
It probably makes sense to specify the template type in this case. Maybe an additional attribute, language='cheetah' ?
My first suggestion was <action type="cheetah_command"> to reflect the template engine. I'm fine with both.
On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening@pharmazie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
<action type="template_command"> #if env.get('X11_LIB_DIR', False) and env.get('X11_INCLUDE_DIR', False): ./configure --prefix=$env.INSTALL_DIR --x-includes=$env.X11_INCLUDE_DIR --x-libraries=$env.X11_LIB_DIR #else: ./configure --prefix=$env.INSTALL_DIR #end if </action>
-- James Taylor, Assistant Professor, Biology/CS, Emory University