Hi all, I have an already approved tool on the Tool Shed, TMHMM and SignalP suite version 0.0.1 I uploaded a new tar ball for version 0.0.2, but did not click approve - I realised I needed to update the REAME file. So I deleted this update. [Note the UI could be clearer about what delete does, thankfully it did not delete the original approved version as well.] This aborted update now shows under "Browse your tools" with status "deleted". I now tried to upload a revised tar ball for version 0.0.2, but it complains "The new version (0.0.2) matches an old version. Check your version in the tool suite config file." The version it matches is the deleted one (my aborted 0.0.2 update). I would expect the version check to ignore deleted tools. Can this be changed? Thanks, Peter