On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 12:45 PM, James Taylor <james@jamestaylor.org> wrote:
A patch is probably best, or a fork of central. We don't integrate anything directly into dist. For tools, there is also the community site: usegalaxy.org/community
I have a query about the existing Megablast wrapper, Python code here: http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/src/tip/tools/metag_tools/megabla... Looking at the above, it is clearly trying to call the command line tool 'megablast' which is part of the NCBI 'legacy' BLAST suite. This is replaced by the command line tool 'blastn' in the new NCBI BLAST+ suite (the default 'task' parameter is megablast). Currently the wiki instructions appear to be wrong, quoting:
Megablast installation
Megablast is a part of the BLAST+ suite of tools. To download it, go to the Megablast page and go to the download link. Select the BLAST+ file appropriate to your platform, noting that Galaxy uses version 2.2.22 currently. There is some information about installation in the BLAST+ user manual, available from the download page.
Quoted from http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/NGSLocalSetup Have I misunderstood? Perhaps the script expects the be able to call 'megablast' via legacy_blast.pl - but most likely the documentation is out of sync any the Galaxy servers have both BLAST and BLAST+ installed. I think it would make sense to update megablast_wrapper.py to call the BLAST+ command line tool blastn instead of the legacy BLAST tool megablast... would that change be welcome? Peter