On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Michael E. Cotterell <mepcotterell@gmail.com> wrote:
TL;DR I have a tool that generates other tools. Where should those tools go, and how should I add them (without modifying Galaxy code)?
I apologize, in advance, for the wall of text. I would like some advice on what the best way to go about setting up a tool that generates other tools...
As some of you (especially those who saw my boss's talk at GCC) already know, I'm working on a tool that lets galaxy users add web service operations as tools to Galaxy. We have a general purpose client for invoking web services, and we have a tool that let's a user enter a WSDL/WADL URL, select the operations they want to add, and generates tool config XML files for Galaxy.
For those not at GCC2013, this was the talk presented by Jessica C. Kissinger, "Extension of Galaxy to Utilize Web Services and A Semantic Suggestion Engine" Abstract: http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/Abstracts#Events.2FGCC2013.2FAb... Slides: http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Documents/Presentations/GCC2013?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=KissingerWebServices.pdf Regards, Peter