These bugs have been fixed in our development repository (galaxy-central) and will be available in the next distribution, which should occur in the coming week.


On Jan 7, 2013, at 6:23 AM, MONJEAUD wrote:

Hello all,

I am using my own Galaxy instance and I had a problem with page and visualization tabs.
For example, when I want to edit attributes of a page, I've got this error traceback :

NameError: global name 'VALID_SLUG_RE' is not defined

and when I want to remove or share a page or a visualization, I've got  this one :

NameError: global name 'util' is not defined

To fix these errors, I added in the lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/ and lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/ these lines :

from galaxy import util
import re
VALID_SLUG_RE = re.compile( "^[a-z0-9\-]+$" )

So, I want to know if you know these problems or if it's only for my instance of galaxy. Maybe some files (where these variables are defined) are not present in my own galaxy.

Cyril Monjeaud

Cyril Monjeaud
Equipe Symbiose / Plate-forme GenOuest
Bureau D156
IRISA-INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex, France
Tél: +33 (0) 2 99 84 74 17
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