On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:22 PM, Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Saba Sehrish <ssehrish@fnal.gov> wrote:

On Feb 18, 2014, at 12:23 PM, Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Saba Sehrish <ssehrish@fnal.gov> wrote:
>> I am using *.loc files, to create a bunch of tables I need, but I want to
>> display complete tables (e.g. from .loc file) with clickable elements
>> for users so that their input could be captured.
>> For example if in my .loc file I have the following contents
>> Model   Size    Path
>> M001    L180    full path to some file
>> M002    L256    full path to some file
>> ...
>> And I want this information to appear in the form of an html table
>> (can be some other table as well) when user loads the tool, and
>> all M001, M002 should be clickable elements.
>> Once clicked they should be navigated to another table with more options.
> By clickable, are you wanting selection by row - or by cell?
> If by row this doesn't sound so different to how Galaxy's
> current *.loc parameters work...
> Peter

Its a row but the concern is that each row has 10 numbers in 
it, and I have tried using .loc file to display this information to 
the users in the form of a pull-down menu. It is difficult for 
users to see the complete row with proper formatting and 
table header to describe what does each number mean. 
So the idea is to display this information in the form of a 
table (using html, js) to the users instead of a select/pull 
down menu.

OK - so no deep changes to the Galaxy parameter data
model etc would be needed (which is good news), 'just'
a new table rendering of a *.loc based parameter.
However, I'm not in a position to judge how much work
that would be…

Yes, correct. Thats the part where I am stuck. all the galaxy tools are expected to work from command line, but here we need to extract the inputs from a ”rendered table” out of .loc file. I have tried to embed some html in the wrapper xml file for the tool, I am using CDATA and then html tags with in it and combine with xml input tags for the command line but it still does’t get me closer to what I need to do. 

On the bright side, from the API and functional testing
point of view, this would be just like the current *.loc
based parameters 

(Hopefully one of the Galaxy team can give you a
more informed opinion.)
