Hi, It seems that PYTHONPATH isn't set when galaxy start.. (according to http://osdir.com/ml/galaxy-development-source-control/2011-11/msg00035.html) Should I search this way ? Thanks by advance, Alban Alban Lermine wrote:
I'm running these tools on a cluster..
Emil Bouvier wrote:
Are you running these tools on a cluster, or on a local system?
Dave B.
On 3/19/12 6:55 AM, Alban Lermine wrote:
I have the same error message for multiple tools (GFFtoBED, BEDtoBIGBED,BAMtoSAM,...):
/from galaxy import eggs ImportError: No module named galaxy
It's happening only since the last upgrade, do you know what is going wrong?
Alban /
-- Alban Lermine Unité 900 : Inserm - Mines ParisTech - Institut Curie « Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology of Cancer » 11-13 rue Pierre et Marie Curie (1er étage) - 75005 Paris - France Tel : +33 (0) 1 56 24 69 84