The version I installed is : mira_3.4.0_prod_linux-gnu_x86_64_static
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:21 PM, JIE CHEN <> wrote:Which version of MIRA did you install?
> Dear all,
> I just installed Mira-Assembler via Galaxy tool sheds. As expected, it
> downloaded the wrappers into the "shed-tools" directory. Then I downloaded
> and installed Mira binaries on the system and add it to $PATH. Right now,
> mira can run successfully in the command line prompt.
Did you get anything in the MIRA log file (it should be in your history
> However when i run it
> in the Galaxy UI, i run into the below error:
> Return error code 1 from command:
> mira --job=denovo,genome,accurate SANGER_SETTINGS -LR:lsd=1:mxti=0:ft=fastq
> -FN:fqi=/media/partition2_/galaxydb_data/000/dataset_290.dat SOLEXA_SETTINGS
> -LR:lsd=1:ft=fastq
> -FN:fqi=/media/partition2_/galaxydb_data/000/dataset_290.dat COMMON_SETTINGS
> -OUT:orf=1:orc=1:ora=1:orw=1:orm=0:org=0:ors=0 -OUT:rrot=1:rtd=1
> Anyone know why? Thanks in advance.
with text data even though it will be red as a failed job)?