Dear Jeremy,Thank You very much, I will try your suggestion. Could you please guide me to the link/webpage that talks about checking the job manually using top/qstat/similar.Happy New Year,Bassam Tork.On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Jeremy Goecks <> wrote:
This is the correct approach.My idea was to pass all above including main.bash as parameters to the
python wrapper (called, attached), as follows:
where the last parameter sys.argv[7] is the output file, specified by xml file.But galaxy was running for more than 3 hours, although it should take
only 7-10 minutes on our server with no results.
Vispa should write its output to dataset_192_I_2_20_CNTGS_DIST0_EM20.txt
, where dataset_192 .txt is the reads file.But dataset_192_I_2_20_CNTGS_DIST0_EM20.txt did not appear in galaxy-dist/database/files/ simply coppies data from dataset_192_I_2_20_CNTGS_DIST0_EM20.txt to galaxy output file, but nothing is coppied since dataset_192_I_2_20_CNTGS_DIST0_EM20.txt was not created.
How could the results appear?Could somebody help me ?The first thing to check is if functions correctly outside of Galaxy. If so, try checking the job manually using top/qstat/similar system utilities to figure out where the job is stuck.Good luck,J.