Hi all,
This is just a usability bug, but I think it should be a simple fix that would make
working with the Tool Shed a bit easier as the current menus seem randomised.
If I click on "Repositories I own", then each tool has a drop down with only one action:
* Mark as deprecated
(This puzzles me - why just that rarely used option? Why not say upload, or view tests?)
If I click on a tool, I go to the management page. Here the top right menu offers:
* View tool functional test results
* Upload files to repository
* View change log
* Browse or delete repository tip files
* Reset all repository metadata
* Mark repository as deprecated
* Download as a .tar.gz file
* Download as a .tar.bz2 file
* Download as a .zip file
If I go to the functional test results, the menu changes:
* Manage repository
* Upload files to repository
* View change log
* Browse or delete repository tip files
* Download as a .tar.gz file
* Download as a .tar.bz2 file
* Download as a .zip file
i.e. Aside the obvious change given which page we are on, why are "Reset
all repository metadata" and "Mark repository as deprecated" missing?
If I goto browse/delete tip files:
* Manage repository
* Upload files to repository
* Browse or delete repository tip files
* Download as a .tar.gz file
* Download as a .tar.bz2 file
* Download as a .zip file
Notice "View change log" is now missing (as well as functional tests etc).
If I go to the change log page, the menu changes again:
* Upload files to repository
* Manage repository
* Browse or delete repository tip files
* Download as a .tar.gz file
* Download as a .tar.bz2 file
* Download as a .zip file
Again, several things are missing - and in particular the functional tests entry. To me
that is highly relevant when looking at the change log.
Also note the ordering of "Upload files to repository" and "Manage repository" has
flipped which is confusing.
My suggested fix is quite simple - use the same drop down menu for the repository
actions on every page, either with the current page still on the list but disabled
(and visually distinct as marker) is possible, or simply removed.