13:15:38 - Instance 'i-e2bb0491' reported alive
13:15:38 - Sent master public key to worker instance 'i-e2bb0491'.
13:15:54 - Adding instance i-e2bb0491 as SGE administrative host.
13:16:06 - Adding instance 'i-e2bb0491' to SGE execution host list.
13:16:11 - Process encountered problems adding instance 'i-e2bb0491' as an SGE execution host. Process returned code 1
13:16:26 - Waiting on worker instance 'i-e2bb0491' to configure itself...
13:17:05 - Instance 'i-e2bb0491' (IP: ready
13:42:23 - Rebooting instance i-e2bb0491 (reboot #3).
13:44:27 - Instance 'i-e2bb0491' reported alive
13:44:27 - Sent master public key to worker instance 'i-e2bb0491'.
13:44:56 - Adding instance i-e2bb0491 as SGE administrative host.
13:44:56 - Adding instance 'i-e2bb0491' to SGE execution host list.
13:44:56 - Process encountered problems adding instance 'i-e2bb0491' as an SGE execution host. Process returned code 1
13:44:56 - Waiting on worker instance 'i-e2bb0491' to configure itself...
13:46:09 - Instance 'i-e2bb0491' (IP: ready
15:19:37 - Rebooting instance i-e2bb0491 (reboot #4).
15:21:16 - Instance 'i-e2bb0491' reported alive
15:21:16 - Sent master public key to worker instance 'i-e2bb0491'.
15:21:38 - Adding instance i-e2bb0491 as SGE administrative host.
15:21:44 - Adding instance 'i-e2bb0491' to SGE execution host list.
15:21:48 - Process encountered problems adding instance 'i-e2bb0491' as an SGE execution host. Process returned code 1
15:21:51 - Waiting on worker instance 'i-e2bb0491' to configure itself...
15:22:13 - Instance 'i-e2bb0491' (IP: ready
15:54:32 - Instance i-e2bb0491 not responding after 4 reboots. Terminating instance.
15:54:32 - Terminating instance i-e2bb0491
15:54:35 - Instance 'i-e2bb0491' removed from the internal instance list.
15:56:10 - Adding 1 on-demand instance(s)
15:56:14 - Cannot get cloud instance object without an instance ID?
15:58:26 - Instance 'i-98932deb' reported alive
15:58:26 - Sent master public key to worker instance 'i-98932deb'.
15:59:02 - Adding instance i-98932deb as SGE administrative host.
15:59:09 - Adding instance 'i-98932deb' to SGE execution host list.
15:59:17 - Successfully added instance 'i-98932deb' to SGE
15:59:17 - Waiting on worker instance 'i-98932deb' to configure itself...
15:59:46 - Instance 'i-98932deb' (IP: ready
16:12:47 - Rebooting instance i-98932deb (reboot #1).
16:12:47 - Rebooting instance i-98932deb (reboot #1).
16:12:47 - Rebooting instance i-98932deb (reboot #1).
16:14:06 - Instance 'i-98932deb' reported alive
16:14:06 - Sent master public key to worker instance 'i-98932deb'.
16:14:29 - Adding instance i-98932deb as SGE administrative host.
16:14:29 - Adding instance 'i-98932deb' to SGE execution host list.
16:14:29 - Process encountered problems adding instance 'i-98932deb' as an SGE execution host. Process returned code 1
16:14:29 - Waiting on worker instance 'i-98932deb' to configure itself...
16:14:39 - Instance 'i-98932deb' (IP: ready