Hello Jean-François, For larger files, or if complete downloads seem to be a problem, using curl at a command or Terminal prompt is a great option. The syntax is: % curl -O '<copied-link-from-dataset-disc-icon>' http://user.list.galaxyproject.org/Download-multiple-files-from-history-td43... (wget is not currently supported, so please disregard those instructions in the post) I used the 'mailing list' version of the Galaxy custom google searches to find this thread. http://galaxy.psu.edu/search/mailinglists/ Links to all of the Galaxy custom searches are in the wiki in the side bar and other places, but also at the top of the Support page for quick access: http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Support Hopefully this helps, Jen Galaxy team On 6/6/12 6:53 AM, Jean-Francois Payotte wrote:
Hi folks,
Some of our local Galaxy instance users seem to be experiencing some strange behaviour lately. I searched the mailing-list archive but I didn't found anything related, so I'd be interested to know if somebody already had the same issue.
The problem is that sometimes, when people are trying to download their datasets from their history, although the file seems to download successfully, it appears that the downloaded file is incomplete (for example a 3000 lines text file will show only maybe 2000 lines at the first download, 1600 lines at the second download, and so on... and eventually, the file will download completely.
This issue happened with more than one user and with different tools.
Does anybody ever had this kind of issue? Or does somebody would have an idea of where to look to solve this problem?
Best regards, Jean-François
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