Upon going back over my script I got it working on the command line as suggested, and when attempting to execute in my instance of galaxy I got this error message which I was not sure about: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/__init__.py", line 152, in prepare_job job_wrapper.prepare() File "/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/jobs/__init__.py", line 701, in prepare self.command_line = self.tool.build_command_line( param_dict ) File "/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/tools/__init__.py", line 2773, in build_command_line command_line = fill_template( self.command, context=param_dict ) File "/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/util/template.py", line 9, in fill_template return str( Template( source=template_text, searchList=[context] ) ) File "/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/eggs/Cheetah-2.2.2-py2.7-macosx-10.6-intel-ucs2.egg/Cheetah/Template.py", line 1004, in __str__ return getattr(self, mainMethName)() File "DynamicallyCompiledCheetahTemplate.py", line 83, in respond NotFound: cannot find 'gene' On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Hans-Rudolf Hotz <hrh@fmi.ch> wrote:
Hi Brad
On 04/28/2014 05:26 PM, Bradley Belfiore wrote:
So upon doing what you suggested, I get:
bravo:galaxy-dist bbelfio1$ Rscript /Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/tools/pathview/Pathview.R '/Users/bbelfio1/Documents/sample.txt' '04110' 'HSA'
I said "Rscript_wrapper.sh /Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-....."
I don't see the word "Rscript_wrapper.sh" in your line, hence it does not correspond to the command galaxy is executing
You provide 3 arguments '/Users/bbelfio1/Documents/sample.txt', '04110', and 'HSA'
However in an earlier mail you mention four arguments: $genedata $pathwayid $species $output
Error in grep(species, pathway.id <http://pathway.id>) :
argument "pathway.id <http://pathway.id>" is missing, with no default
Calls: pathview -> grep
Execution halted
As long as you are not sure, whether your script is working on the command line the way you want it to be executed in Galaxy, there is no point in putting it into Galaxy
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Hans-Rudolf Hotz <hrh@fmi.ch <mailto:hrh@fmi.ch>> wrote:
This is not what I suggested, I said
Rscript_wrapper.sh /Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/__tools/pathview/Pathview.R $genedata
$pathwayid $species $output
replacing $genedata $pathwayid $species $output with meaningful arguments
On 04/28/2014 04:29 PM, Bradley Belfiore wrote:
Yes when running in command line I get:
bravo:galaxy-dist bbelfio1$ Rscript /Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/__tools/pathview/Pathview.R
Error in value[[3L]](cond) :
failed to read experimental design data: cannot open the connection
Calls: tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") : cannot open file 'NA': No such file or directory
Execution halted
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com <mailto:p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com> <mailto:p.j.a.cock@googlemail.__com
<mailto:p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com>>> wrote:
> On 04/28/2014 03:58 PM, Bradley Belfiore wrote: >> >> The initial error now seems to be taken care of and now am getting this >> message on attempting to run tool: >> >> File
"/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/__lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/____ init__.py", >> line 153, in prepare_job >> job_wrapper.runner_command___line = self.build_command_line( >> job_wrapper, include_metadata=include___metadata, >> include_work_dir_outputs=__include_work_dir_outputs ) >> File
"/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/__lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/____ init__.py",
>> line 176, in build_command_line >> return build_command( self, job_wrapper, >> include_metadata=include___metadata, >> include_work_dir_outputs=__include_work_dir_outputs ) >> File
"/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/__lib/galaxy/jobs/command___ factory.py",
>> line 19, in build_command >> commands_builder = CommandsBuilder(job_wrapper.__get_command_line()) >> File
"/Users/bbelfio1/galaxy-dist/__lib/galaxy/jobs/command___ factory.py",
>> line 109, in __init__ >> commands = initial_command.rstrip("; ") >> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rstrip' >>
This is still breaking inside Galaxy, before ever trying to run your scripts. There is likely still a problem in your XML.
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Hans-Rudolf Hotz <hrh@fmi.ch <mailto:hrh@fmi.ch> <mailto:hrh@fmi.ch <mailto:hrh@fmi.ch>>> wrote: > again, have you tried running your Rscript outside of Galaxy called by > Rscript_wrapper.sh ? >
This is an important question :)
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