3 May
3 May
7:24 a.m.
Dear All, i am installing galaxy first time. i face problem while installing the python eggs. while running the Run.sh command it gives as /home/sbsuser/.python-eggs/pysam-0.4.2_kanwei_b10f6e722e9a-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg-tmp/csamtools.so:6: RuntimeWarning: __builtin__.file size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility �b�n 640�c�����?�����U�#k�!\jZo�[&���[<���9-��ra#�����8n��C�U�;B�SlK(p���U�&�P w 5 ≠ ' H è π ø * ─ ␋ Ð Ä @ ê i couldn't read the message and also i couldn't open the galaxy page http://localhost:8080 Could you please suggest tth epossibilities to install. Thanks in advance Regards Sridhar