
Running Galaxy stable_2013.06.03 version on RH6.2 with postgresl db.
Generated bam and vcf file to view under Trackster.

Set up trackster by following http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Learn/Visualization directions.

No matter what I choose for "Set display mode",  all I see is blocks of color for the vcf (is that the INTENSITY mode?)  and a line for the BAM file which doesn't seem to be what the directions above for the Histogram, Line, Filled, and Intensity are supposed to look like.

Not sure what the output supposed to look like so can't tell if it is correct or not.

1- Should the "Set display mode" give out different output?
2- What might be the issue if all I see are the same output or maybe the output displayed is totally incorrect?  Might there be some trackster setup that I might be missing for it to draw incorrectly?

What is shown:

Not sure if the 2 images that I had inserted above will be viewable after I send out the request.

Thanks in advance.
