We run a galaxy server locally. When a user want to send an error through galaxy GUI "Report this error to the Galaxy Team" . We do not have any anonymous/guest users (not allowed). So we are sure that the content of the email textbox is always effective.
The problem is that we use a remote helpdesk program that is using email piping to retrieve the email and convert it to a ticket. When we want to process galaxy ticket "GALAXY TOOL ERROR REPORT" the sender address is always the address "error_email_to" from the configuration file galaxy.ini / universe.ini
So we can not replay into our helpdesk program, because the answer would be send to the address "error_email_to" and not to the user.
Is there a way to get the real email address from the user who reported the error instead of this address ?
Or, if it is not possible, could it be plan in the future galaxy release ?
Or, eventually, if this is easy to do, what python file should I modify ?
Best regards,