Hi all,

I have succesfully setup a Galaxy-Pulsar architecture and I am able to run jobs over datasets already uploaded on a history.

When I try to upload a new file to the history, though, the upload job fails with the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/flati/pulsar/files/staging/80/tool_files/upload.py", line 18, in <module>
    import galaxy.model # noqa
      ImportError: No module named model

Note: in job_conf.xml, Pulsar is the default destination:

<destinations default="win_pulsar">

Does someone know what the problem is?
I suspect that setting pulsar as the default destination causes the upload tool to run on Pulsar's side which, however, does not have access to Galaxy's lib directory (which contains the galaxy model module).

Any help is very appreciated,