Checking to see if there is any interest in including a parameter option to select outputs for cuffdiff, potentially including a composite output and a cummeRbund sqlite database. Issues: cuffdiff produces 21 output files, which is a little unwieldy in a galaxy history. cummeRbund generates its database when given a cuffdiff output directory, but manually hooking up 21 outputs to the cummerbund_wrapper is a pain. I've put demo code in the testtoolshed under the name repository name cummerbund http://jjohnson@testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/jjohnson/cummerbund This includes new datatypes defined in datatypes_conf.xml and implemented in cuffdata.py: <!-- html composite dataset with cuffdiff outputs in the extra files path --> <datatype extension="cuffdata" type="galaxy.datatypes.cuffdata:CuffDiffData"/> <!-- cummeRbund SQLite database --> <datatype extension="cuffdatadb" type="galaxy.datatypes.cuffdata:CuffDataDB"/> The cuffdiff wrapper has a multiple select parameter to choose which output files to put in the history. In addition to the 21 cuffdiff outputs, the wrapper can also generate: cuffdata - which is a composite HTML output with links to the 21 cuffdiff outputs cuffdatadb - which is the cummeRbund SQLite database I also added utility tools: cuffdata_datasets - which will take files from the composite cuffdata and copy them as datasets into the history cuffdata_cummerbund - which generates the cummeRbund cuffdatadb from the composite cuffdata I updated the cummerbund_wrapper: with tryCatch so that a R error on a plot won't exit the Rscript to include a small image of each plot on the html page added plots for : dispersion, scatter matrix, MDS, and PCA Thanks, JJ