Dave Clements kindly suggested that I post this to the list. My team is looking for someone to help out with the ever increasing need of data analysis in our centre. We support the diverse bioinformatics needs of 18 groups (http://www.wcb.ed.ac.uk) and currently there are many large NGS projects. We use galaxy as a central component for rapid tool development and to enable users in their own research. Dave (clements@galaxyproject.org) has also kindly offered to provide impartial advice about Edinburgh for those who may not know of the joys of living here. It is a fixed term contract for 30 months (which should allow plenty time to impress groups leaders for more funding). -Alastair -- Alastair Kerr, Ph.D., Bioinformatics Core Facility Manager, Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, 2.21 Michael Swann Building, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH9 3JR, UK Tel: +44 131-650-7527 Details: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh: Bioinformatics Support Provider A position is available in bioinformatics support for the Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology at the University of Edinburgh. The successful candidate will work for the Bioinformatics Core Facility to help provide advice, training, analysis and applications to Centre laboratories (see www.wcb.ed.ac.uk ) A key area for support in the centre is the increase in projects using a range of next-generation sequencing techniques (ChIP-seq, RNA-seq etc) and hence skills pertaining to managing and analysing such data is highly desirable. Funding for this post is, in part, from the EpiGeneSys Network of Excellence (www.epigenesys.eu ) to the Allshire Lab (http://allshire.biology.ed.ac.uk ). Thus the successful applicant will have access to a variety of training courses, scientific workshops and forums run by EpiGeneSys. Qualifications: Candidates should have at least an M.Sc. in computational biology/bioinformatics or equivalent. An understanding of molecular biological processes would also be useful but not essential. Essential skills: Some background in molecular biology and statistics. Experience in the Linux command line and at least one scripting language (Perl, Python or Ruby). Desirable skills: R-language including BioConductor, databases (mySQL or postgres), Galaxy platform administration, Linux administration Salary Scale: Estimated salary: £30,000 to £34,000 GBP - To be confirmed. Fixed Term: 30 months. Please contact Robin Allshire robin.allshire@ed.ac.uk or Alastair Kerr alastair.kerr@ed.ac.uk The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.