Dear all, I just ran the liftOver tool that comes with Galaxy (https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/blob/dev/tools/extract/liftOver_wrap...) and for the "mapped coordinates" output dataset the database shows as "<Cheetah.Template.Template object at 0x10adabd0>" (see attached screenshot). It seems that some of the code that determines the output database doesn't work anymore. This is the associated code in the xml: <data format="input" name="out_file1" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} [ MAPPED COORDINATES ]"> <actions> <action type="metadata" name="dbkey"> <option type="from_data_table" name="liftOver" key="name" column="1" offset="0"> <filter type="param_value" column="0" value="#" compare="startswith" keep="False"/> <filter type="param_value" ref="to_dbkey" column="2"/> </option> </action> </actions> </data> Does someone have a clue how to fix this? Thanks, Sarah ---- Sarah Diehl HPC System Administrator UNIVERSITÉ DU LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG CENTRE FOR SYSTEMS BIOMEDICINE Campus Belval | Biotech II 6, avenue du Swing L-4371 Belvaux T +352 46 66 44 5360 sarah.diehl@uni.lu<mailto:sarah.diehl@uni.lu> http://lcsb.uni.lu<http://lcsb.uni.lu/> ----- This message is confidential and may contain privileged information. It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in error please notify me and permanently delete the original message and any copies. -----