Hi all,

We have a Galaxy instance that we are regularly keeping up to date following the Galaxy main, so we have the current version (fd4113962c32 commit).

For us, since a few updates (unfortunately, I don't know when it started), the "exit_code" tag is not working anymore. I made the simplest tool to confirm :

<tool id="tool_to_come" name="tool_to_come">
 <command interpreter="bash">
test.sh $input $output
  <param name="input" type="text" value="7" label="Param" />
  <data name="output" format="fasta" label="Output" />
   <exit_code range="12" level="fatal" description="Grave probleme !" />
**Tool documentation**

set -e

if [ "$1" -ne 10 ]; then
    exit 12
    echo "Yeah !" > $2

Anyway, it still doesn't work as it used to...
Am I the only one to have the problem ? Can you help me ?

Mathieu (Rennes - France)