Hi Galaxy team,

I am having problems with taxonomy information fetching.(Metagenomic Analysses->Fetch taxonomic representation).

According to the following link


I have installed libraries from https://bitbucket.org/natefoo/taxonomy
I have installed them in my local directory(not in /usr/local).  But I am still having problem
/bin/sh: taxBuilder: command not found

What am I missing here?

Deepthi Theresa Thomas Kannanayakal

Bioinformatics Database Specialist
Sun Visual Genomic Centre, 
Suite 1150,  Health Science Centre
3330 Hospital Drive NW
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Medicine,  University of Calgary
T2N 4N1
Calgary,  Alberta,  Canada

Ph: (403) - 210 6661   Fax: (403) - 210 9538