Dear list, I tried to make a tool that takes tsv input and have some data_columns selection parameters in the xml definition. It seems to work, but I get ‘invalid option was selected’ in the browser interface for each of the data_columns. No logging errors or stacktraces. Digging a bit, I found out that the legal_values of the ColumnParameter (in lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/ ) is empty. It is returned empty by get_column_list when this does if not dataset.metadata.columns: on line 1184 of the above mentioned file. Now I’m a bit at a loss, how do I set these columns, or where are those columns set on the metadata? Is it stored, generated from the input file? My files are not official formats, just tsv subclasses. I’m on changeset 14567:007f6a80629a in galaxy-dist. cheers, — Jorrit Boekel Proteomics systems developer BILS / Lehtiö lab Scilifelab Stockholm, Sweden