On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 2:08 PM, John Chilton <jmchilton@gmail.com> wrote:
Peter -
When you have previously asked about suite_config.xml I grepped around and I couldn't find any references to it, did some more greps just now and I still cannot. My best guess is that is not being used at all - but I am not a tool shed expert.
Thanks John - that is my suspicion too, but I didn't try and go back over the hg logs to find out any more.
Wolfgang -
I am not aware of being able to enforce an ordering of these things. It would be a nice feature obviously so I have created a Trello card for the request - https://trello.com/c/lPOkD4BD.
Great, I've subscribed to that issue too as this would be useful for things like the BLAST+ suite where it is nice to order the tools. Peter