Dear galaxy developers, When I use the EMBOSS tool: trimest<>, Trim poly-A tails off EST sequences , within galaxy The sequences names in the fasta output file comes out without their beginning, for instance:
gi|259479195|dbj|AB491800.1|Brachionusplicatilisstt3mRNAforoligosaccharytransferaseSTT3subunithomolog,partialcds Will be shortened into: AB491800.1|Brachionusplicatilisstt3mRNAforoligosaccharytransferaseSTT3subunithomolog,partialcds How can I keep the beginning of the sequence names? Am I doing something wrong? Many thanks for your help Inbar
[Description: logo_50prcnt] Inbar Plaschkes Bioinformatics Core Facility National Institute for Biotechnology Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel Building 51, room 323 Email:<> Tel: +972-8-6428676 Fax: +972-8-6479035 Web:<>