Hi Bjorn,
I read the documentation about conda shared early in this email and I have one more question:

If I already a conda installation on computer and don't wish share this installation to control galaxy dependencies, galaxy works fine with your own conda auto installation or I have pay attention in more some detail?

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 5:37 AM Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com> wrote:
That's great Bjoern,

I was thinking we should mention this on the wiki (with a link
to the documentation rather than duplicating it). There are
some existing pages about the tool_dependencies.xml
system - but no obvious top level introduction that I saw?


Where on the wiki do people think would be best?


On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 9:41 PM, Léo Biscassi <leo.biscassi@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nice job! I was really anxious for some documentation about this theme!
> Thanks all involved!
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 3:38 PM Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Galaxy 16.07 was just released:
>> https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/releases/16.07_announce.html
>> and the IUC has some news to share with you.
>> For a more readable version please see:
>> https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/conda_faq.html
>> ----
>> Galaxy tools (also called wrappers) traditionally use Tool Shed package
>> recipes to install their dependencies. At the tool’s installation time
>> the recipe is downloaded and executed in order to provide the underlying
>> software executables. Introduction of these Galaxy-specific recipes was
>> a necessary step at the time, however nowadays there are other more
>> mature and stable options to install software in a similar manner. The
>> Galaxy community has taken steps to improve the tool dependency system
>> in order to enable new features and expand its reach. This document aims
>> to describe these and answer the FAQ.
>> It is a pleasure to announce the adoption of a new standard for tool
>> dependencies in Galaxy which has been integrated over the last six
>> months: Conda packages!
>> Not only do Conda packages make tool dependencies more reliable and
>> stable, they are also easier to test and faster to develop than the
>> traditional Tool Shed package recipes .
>> Conda is a package manager like apt-get, yum, pip, brew or guix. We
>> don’t want to argue about the relative merits of various package
>> managers here, in fact Galaxy supports multiple package managers and we
>> welcome community contributions (such as implementing a Guix package
>> manager or enhancing the existing brew support to bring it on par with
>> Conda).
>> As a community, we have decided that Conda is the one that best fulfills
>> our needs. The following are some of the crucial Conda features that led
>> to this decision:
>> * Installation of packages does not require root privileges
>> (Installation at any location  the Galaxy user has write access to)
>> * Multiple versions of software can be installed in parallel
>> * HPC-ready
>> * Faster and more robust package installations through pre-compiled
>> packages (no build environment complications)
>> * Independent of programming language (R, Perl, Python, Julia, Java,
>> pre-compiled binaries, and more)
>> * Easy to write recipes (1 YAML description file + 1 Bash install script)
>> * An active, large and growing community (with more and more software
>> authors managing their own recipes)
>> * Extensive documentation: Conda documentation
>> (http://conda.pydata.org/docs/building/build.html) and Conda quick-start
>> (http://conda.pydata.org/docs/get-started.html)
>> Below we answer some common questions (collected by Lance Parsons):
>> 1. How do I enable Conda dependency resolution for existing Galaxy
>> installations?
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Most Galaxy administrators have not set up a dependency resolvers
>> configuration file (dependency_resolvers_conf.xml) which means they are
>> using Galaxy’s default (dependency_resolvers_conf.xml.sample). Galaxy
>> has enabled Conda dependency resolution by default since release 16.04
>> (if Conda was installed already), so many existing installations can use
>> Conda dependencies. Having Conda enabled in
>> dependency_resolvers_conf.xml means that Galaxy will look for
>> dependencies using the Conda system when it attempts to run tools. If
>> conda_auto_install is True, and a dependency is not found, Galaxy will
>> attempt to install it using the configured Conda channels. A graphical
>> user interface that allows administrators install Conda packages
>> directly from Galaxy when tools are installed from the Tool Shed is
>> available in the 16.07 release of Galaxy.
>> 2. How do Conda dependencies work? Where do things get installed?
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> In contrast to the old dependency system, which was used exclusively by
>> Galaxy, Conda is a pre-existing, independent project. With Conda it is
>> possible for an admin to install packages without touching Galaxy at all
>> – managing your dependencies independently from Galaxy. Galaxy can
>> handle these dependencies for you, but admins are not required to use
>> Galaxy for dependency management.
>> There are a few new config options in the galaxy.ini file, but by
>> default Galaxy will install Conda (the package manager) and the required
>> packages in the <tool_dependency_dir>/_conda/ directory. In this
>> directory, Galaxy will create an envs folder with all of the
>> environments managed by Galaxy. Every environment contains a lib, bin,
>> share, and include subdirectory, depending on the tool, and is
>> sufficient to get a Galaxy tool up and running. Galaxy simply sources
>> this folder via Conda and makes everything available before the tool is
>> executed on your cluster.
>> To summarize, there are four ways to manage Conda dependencies for use
>> with Galaxy. For all of these options, Conda dependency management must
>> be configured in the dependency_resolvers_conf.xml and the galaxy.ini
>> file.
>> a) Manual Install - Conda dependencies may be installed by
>> administrators from the command line. Conda (and thus the conda
>> environments) should be installed in the location specified by  the
>> conda_prefix path (defined in galaxy.ini and by default
>> <tool_dependency_dir>/_conda/ directory). Galaxy will search these
>> environments for required packages when tools are run. Conda environment
>> names have to follow a specific naming pattern. As an example, to
>> install samtools in version 0.1.19, the administrator can run the command:
>> $ conda create --name __package__samtools@__version__0.1.19
>> samtools==0.1.19 --channel bioconda
>> Tools that require samtools version 0.1.19 will then be able to find and
>> use the installed conda package.
>> b) Galaxy Admin Interface (>= 16.07) - Galaxy will install Conda tool
>> dependencies when tools are installed from the Tool Shed if the option
>> “When available, install externally managed dependencies (e.g. conda)?
>> Beta” is checked. Admins may also view and manage Conda dependencies via
>> the Admin interface.
>> c) Automatically at tool run time - When a tool is run and a dependency
>> is not found, Galaxy will attempt to install the dependency using Conda
>> if conda_auto_install is activated in the configuration.
>> d) Via the API, upon tool installation (>= 16.07) - The Galaxy community
>> maintains an ansible role
>> (https://github.com/galaxyproject/ansible-galaxy-tools) that uses
>> BioBlend (https://github.com/galaxyproject/bioblend/) and the Galaxy API
>> to install tools.
>> 3. What is required to make use of this? Any specific packages, Galaxy
>> revision, OS version, etc.?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The minimum required version of Galaxy to use Conda is 16.01, however
>> version 16.07 or greater is recommended. The 16.07 release of Galaxy has
>> a nice graphical user interface to manage packages, but this is not
>> required to have Conda dependencies managed and used by Galaxy.
>> Conda packages should work on all compatible operating systems with
>> glibc version (2.5) or newer (this includes Centos 5). We will most
>> likely switch soon to glibc version 2.12 as minimum requirement (this
>> includes CentOS 6). So all packages will run on all *nix operating
>> systems newer than 2007.
>> 4. How do I know what system is being used by a given tool?
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> The Galaxy log will tell you which dependency resolution system is used
>> to satisfy each tool dependency and you can specify priorities using the
>> config/dependency_resolution_conf.xml file. If you put Conda on top,
>> Galaxy will at first try to use Conda to resolve a tool dependency; if
>> this does not work, the following dependency resolvers is used, as
>> specified. See
>> https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/dependency_resolvers.html
>> for detailed documentation. Starting from galaxy release 16.07, you can
>> see which dependency will be used (“resolved”) in the admin panel.
>> 5. How do I go about specifying conda dependencies for a tool? All the
>> docs still seem to recommend (or exclusively discuss) the
>> tool_dependencies.xml method.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The simple answer is: you don‘t need to do much to make Conda work for a
>> tool.
>> The <requirement> tag in the tool XML file is enough. The name and the
>> version should correspond to a Conda package in the `default`, `r`,
>> `bioconda` or `iuc` Conda channel (you can extend this list if you like
>> in your galaxy.ini). If this is the case you are ready to go. Read more
>> about Conda channels here:
>> http://conda.pydata.org/docs/custom-channels.html and browse their
>> packages on https://anaconda.org/ url followed by the channel name (e.g.
>> https://anaconda.org/bioconda).
>> We need to adjust the documentation about tool_dependencies.xml and
>> deprecate them everywhere.
>> 6. During tool installation what if there is no Conda package available
>> for given requirement? What if the requirement is resolved in a
>> different software than the original wrapper author meant to use?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> If there is no Conda package available during tool installation the tool
>> will install successfully, and can be used if its dependencies are
>> satisfied by another dependency system such as Tool Shed package
>> recipes, Docker containers or modules.
>> If there is a package of correct name and version it will be used. There
>> is no equivalent of the “owner” concept used in Galaxy packages
>> installed from the Tool Shed.
>> 7. Where can I find a list of existing Conda packages that I can point
>> to, so I don't have to reinvent the wheel for common dependencies?
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> With Conda installed run:
>> $ conda search <package_name> -c bioconda -c iuc
>> This will search in all channels that are activated by default in
>> Galaxy. If you find your package your are ready to go. If not please
>> create
>> (http://conda.pydata.org/docs/building/recipe.html#conda-recipe-files-overview)
>> a Conda package and submit
>> (https://bioconda.github.io/#step-4-join-the-team) it to BioConda
>> (https://bioconda.github.io) or get in contact with the IUC
>> (https://gitter.im/galaxy-iuc/iuc).
>> 8. How can I create a new conda package for a dependency?
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> Adding a package to the bioconda or iuc conda channels will make it
>> available for Galaxy tools to use as a dependency. To learn how, get in
>> touch with the awesome BioConda community. They have great documentation
>> and assist with all development. You will also see a few of us at this
>> project to get you started :)
>> Don’t be scared! Conda recipes are really simple to write. Conda also
>> offers you, so called `skeleton` generators, generating recipes from
>> pypi, cran, cpan for you (mostly) automatically.
>> 9. Is there a way to convert traditional Tool Shed package recipes that
>> are not yet in a Conda channel?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> First, you do not need to do anything to your wrapper as long as the
>> package name in the requirement tag is matches the name of correct Conda
>> package. (You may want to mention in the README or a comment the Conda
>> channel that contains the package).
>> We have developed scripts for conversion of Tool Shed package recipes to
>> Conda, but have not followed up and they are not ready for production.
>> If you want to migrate some recipes from XML to Conda, we are happy to
>> give you a hand. We are trying to get all new versions under Conda and
>> leave the old versions as they are – simply because of time.
>> 10. What is the recommendation for existing installations? Will I
>> continue to maintain both systems or migrate to the new Conda system
>> eventually?
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Old tools will use the traditional installation system, this system will
>> stay and will be supported to install old tools. This we promised to our
>> community to guarantee sustainability and reproducibility. New tools
>> from the IUC, may be Conda only.
>> 11. If I have Conda enabled, what do I need to do to install tools using
>> it? For example, how can I install the latest Trinity? And how will I
>> know dependencies are installed?
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> This depends on your galaxy.ini setting. Galaxy will install Conda for
>> you if you have enabled conda_auto_init. If conda_auto_install is
>> enabled, Galaxy will install Trinity via Conda when a Trinity job is
>> launched and Trinity is not yet installed. With the latest 16.07 release
>> you can see which dependencies are being used in the “Manage installed
>> tools” section of the admin panel and you can select whether or not to
>> install Conda packages or Tool Shed package recipes when you install new
>> tools, even if conda_auto_install is disabled.
>> More improvements to the UI will be coming with 16.10. To see if Galaxy
>> has created a Trinity environment for you have a look at folder under
>> <tool_dependency_dir>/_conda/envs/.
>> 12. Can I mix traditional Galaxy packages and Conda packages?
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Yes, the way this works is that Galaxy goes through the list of
>> requirements for a tool, and then determines for each requirement if it
>> can be satisfied by any of the active resolver systems.
>> The order in which resolvers are tried is listed in the
>> dependency_resolvers_conf.xml file, and the default order is
>> Tool Shed packages
>> Packages manually installed by administrators
>> Conda packages
>> The first system that satisfies a requirement will be used.
>> 13. What can I do if conda doesn’t work for me?
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> There is currently a limitation in the way conda packages are being
>> built. This limitation will be addressed shortly by the Conda community,
>> however this requires all packages to be rebuilt.
>> To work around this limitation, please make sure that the total length
>> of the conda_prefix and job_working_directory path is less than 50
>> characters long.
>> If this is your problem, you should see a warning similar to the
>> following in your galaxy log files:
>> ERROR: placeholder
>> '/home/ray/r_3_3_1-x64-3.5/envs/_build_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_pl'
>> too short
>> In rare cases conda may not have been properly installed by galaxy. A
>> symptom for this is if there is no activate script in conda_prefix/bin.
>> In that case you can delete the conda_prefix folder and restart galaxy,
>> which will again attempt to install conda.
>> If this does not solve your problem or you have any trouble following
>> the instructions, please ask on the galaxy mailing list or the galaxy
>> IRC channel.
>> ---
>> One last thing that is important to me: the entire Galaxy-Conda project
>> is an amazing community effort - not only within the Galaxy community,
>> but we team up with the Conda community as well, in particular with the
>> BioConda folks. Thanks to Johannes Köster, Ryan Dale and the entire
>> community around this package manager which have created around 1500
>> bioinformatics packages just in the last year.
>> Thanks to John Chilton who has written the Galaxy Conda integration last
>> December and is pushing tool development in Galaxy to a new level. Many
>> thanks to Nicola Soranzo for his constant support and reviews in all
>> mentioned projects, he is everywhere to help - you will see! Thanks also
>> to Peter van Heusden, Marius van den Beek and Brad Langhorst – they have
>> worked hard on Conda-Galaxy Integration to make it shine in 16.07. I
>> want to thank Lance Parsons for his questions that inspired me to write
>> this down and his constant support in making tools better in Galaxy –
>> Lance I hope with Conda you will have less pain with dependencies in
>> general!
>> Last but not least I would like to thank the entire IUC and the over 50
>> IUC contributors that have migrated most of the IUC tools to Conda
>> packages over the last 6 months.
>> You all did a truly amazing work here – and I‘m sure it will benefit the
>> tool development in Galaxy tremendously.
>> Enjoy Galaxy + Conda,
>> Björn, on behalf of the IUC
>> P.S. As soon as you have a Conda package, we have a system for you to
>> generate Docker containers out of it: https://github.com/mulled/mulled.
>> These containers can than be used by Galaxy to resolve dependencies as
>> well, if you prefer Docker containers over Conda packages.
>> ___________________________________________________________
>> Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
>> in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
>> and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
>>   https://lists.galaxyproject.org/
>> To search Galaxy mailing lists use the unified search at:
>>   http://galaxyproject.org/search/mailinglists/
> --
> Best regards,
> Léo Biscassi
> ___________________________________________________________
> Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
> in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
> and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
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> To search Galaxy mailing lists use the unified search at:
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Best regards, 
Léo Biscassi