Hi- I'm wondering if the share string problem will be fixed this week. The workaround doesn't seem to work and I have needed to analyze my data for almost a month. When I try to start the run:

ubuntu@ip-10-218-95-180:/mnt/galaxyData/custom/MY_MSG_RUN$ perl msg/msgCluster.pl 

I get:

started 07/24/2013 21:16:27
All required executables found in PATH
All required R packages are installed
Required module not found: /mnt/galaxyData/custom/bin/python_libs/lib/python/pysam-0.6-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/csamtools.so: undefined symbol: PyCapsule_New
Error in ./test_dependencies.sh: 256 at msg/Utils.pm line 25.

I am guessing that the workaround is missing something python.

Thanks, Deniz

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Dannon Baker <dannon.baker@gmail.com> wrote:
The warning message printed by the first ssh attempt indicates that you have no cloudman_key_pair.pem in the directory you executed the ssh command from.  Find this file (or create a new one) and you'll be able to ssh.

Good luck, and please keep threads on the list instead of emailing directly.  Thanks!


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 1:36 PM, <denizere@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi- the share string appears to be loading, but I am unable to ssh into my instance using the provided command, or anything like it. Instead I get the following:

denizerezyilmaz$ ssh -i cloudman_key_pair.pem ubuntu@ec2-54-242-61-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Warning: Identity file cloudman_key_pair.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.


 denizerezyilmaz$ ssh ec2-54-242-61-164.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Permission denied (publickey).

What am I missing? Thank you, Deniz