Dear all, I have succeffully installed the local instance of Galaxy, that uses the postgeSQL database, and it worked fine. After several monthes of uses, it appeared the neccessety to reinstall the whole Galaxy. For this, I have completely removed the old instance, and hg clone the new one to the same location. The psql database remains the same. After upgrading the database schema with the corresponding script, I have faced with inability of upgrading the counter of history in database. For example, after creating the new history, the addition of new dataset (by uploading via ftp, from local comp, from UCSC) result in the error: NotSupportedError: (NotSupportedError) DECLARE CURSOR ... FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not supported DETAIL: Cursors must be READ ONLY. 'SELECT history.hid_counter \nFROM history \nWHERE = %(id_1)s FOR UPDATE' {'id_1': 5} I will be very grateful with any help with this issue. galaxy=> \du List of roles Role name | Superuser | Create role | Create DB | Connections | Member of -----------+-----------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------- galaxy | no | no | yes | no limit | hogart | yes | yes | yes | no limit | postgres | yes | yes | yes | no limit | (3 rows) galaxy=> \l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding -----------+----------+---------- galaxy | galaxy | LATIN9 hogart | hogart | LATIN9 postgres | postgres | LATIN9 template0 | postgres | LATIN9 template1 | postgres | LATIN9 (5 rows) galaxy=> select * from history where; id | create_time | update_time | user_id | n ame | hid_counter | deleted | purged | genome_build | importable | slug | published | importing ----+----------------------------+----------------------------+---------+------- ----------+-------------+---------+--------+--------------+------------+------+- ----------+----------- 5 | 2013-09-10 21:38:31.888226 | 2013-09-10 21:38:31.888237 | 1 | Unname d history | 1 | f | f | ? | f | | f | f (1 row) psql -v 8.1.22 - sincerely, Sergei