Dear all,

I've been wanting to point this out for a while, but the latest update to the STAR data manager didn't fix it either (or maybe I messed up again).
The .loc file indicating which genomes have been installed/indices have been made for STAR uses the last column to indicate if there
is a gene model/annotation that it should use (0 - for no, 1 - for yes).
This seems to be empty...there is a tab at the end of the row,  but no number.
It works if you manually but in 1 or 0, but not that's not very convenient.

Please let me know if I'm missing something...


Dr. Christopher Previti
Genomics and
Proteomics Core Facility
High Throughput Sequencing (W190)

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Foundation under Public Law
Im Neuenheimer Feld 580
69120 Heidelberg
Room: B2.102 (INF580/TP3)
Phone: +49 6221 42-4661

Management Board: Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann, Prof. Dr. Josef Puchta
VAT-ID No.: DE143293537

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