Hello again, I am truly sorry to bother everyone again but i still experience problems: This time with atlas 3.10 owned by iuc At the beginning without modifying anything, the error log was saying " mkdir : cannot create directory ATLAS/build : No such file or directory" After that I tried to modify the tool_dependencies.xml : L48 : "mkdir ATLAS/build &&" changed to "mkdir build &&" The error is "/bin/sh: 4 : cannot open /host/static_full_blas_lapack.diff: No such file" I can see it, if I go with a web browser, but I cannot download it manually nor click on it without crashing the web browser. Any idea? Thanks again, M Olivier CLAUDE- PhD Student INSERM/UPMC UMRS ICAN 1166 – Equipe 2 Faculté de médecine Pitié-Salpêtrière 91, bld de l'Hôpital - 3ème étage - Porte 305 75013 Paris - FRANCE