Thanks for your reply, but I think you misunderstood my meaning.
and save the data in the History space like the UCSC request.
Galaxy can retrieve the data and save it. However, the title of the
data is still "UCSC Main". I think that's because of the tool_id
param's value is still "ucsc_table_direct1". I mean whether you can
support us by adding a new tool_id named "CBI GMap". Then our post
data can be shown with title "CBI GMap", not "UCSC Main".
Hello Greg Von Kuster,
Now I have solved the second problem.:)
And for the first one, could you help me to add a new tool_id
named "CBI GMap" to support our data source?
This is a project in Center for Bioinformatics in Peking
University in China. And I am a PhD student working on it. If you
have other questions, please email me.:)
<tool id="ucsc_table_direct1" name="UCSC Main" version="1.0.0"
hidden="false" tool_type="data_source" URL_method="post">
Thanks a lot!
Hello Greg Von Kuster,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
But I still have a question:
I have a url, and I include three necessary params in the
following form. After I post it to Galaxy, I can see that Galaxy
fetch the data. However, there are two point that I want to ask:
1. the "tool_id" param. My data's title is still "UCSC Main", I
think that's because I use the "ucsc_table_direct1" value for
"tool_id", right? Then how do I change this title? Can I adjust it
by other param to change the title?
2. If I submit data from UCSC, then I can see a white box
containing the data in the History part. However, I can only see
the data info without data if I submit from my own site. (You can
refer to attachment for detail. The No.20 data is from UCSC, and I
can see the sequence. While the No.22 data is from my site, and I
can not see the sequence.) And I don't know why.
<input type="HIDDEN" value="ucsc_table_direct1"
rice_nucleotide_frame_galaxy.jsp" name="URL"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="<%=id%>" name="id"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="<%=trackName%>"
<input type="HIDDEN" value="<%=type%>" name="type"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="rice" name="db"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="Rice" name="org"/>
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Send query to Galaxy"
id=LOC_Os02g01370&trackName=MSU_Osa1_Rice_Loci&type=seq )
Thank a lot!
发件人: Greg Von Kuster
发送时间: 2009-11-17 04:50:55
收件人: WangJun
主题: Re: [galaxy-dev] Questions about Galaxy!
Hello Kathleen,
wiki/DataSources for details about how Galaxy communicates with
external data sources. Your "dataset platform" will need to build
an url that includes all of the parameters that are needed to
retrieve the data, and send that url to Galaxy in the URL
parameter so that Galaxy can execute the post.
On Nov 16, 2009, at 9:06 AM, WangJun wrote:
This is a question about Galaxy interaction with UCSC data.
I hava a dataset platform, and I want to add a button like the
UCSC's "Send query to Galaxy".
I find that it's actually a form:
<input type="HIDDEN" value="ucsc_table_direct1" name="tool_id"/>
hgTables" name="URL"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="296389734" name="hguid"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="hg18" name="db"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="Human" name="org"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="multiz28way" name="hgta_table"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="multiz28way" name="hgta_track"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="range" name="hgta_regionType"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="primaryTable" name="hgta_outputType"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="chr3:130734948-130736581"
<input type="HIDDEN" value="get output" name="hgta_doTopSubmit"/>
<input type="HIDDEN" value="146683120" name="hgsid"/>
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Send query to Galaxy"
I have a url and three params, and I tried. But I can't see my
data in the right-side green box.
And what's the tool_id param used for?
Thanks in advance!
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Greg Von Kuster
Galaxy Development Team