Howdy Galaxy devs, A quick tool release announcement to ring in the new year. The latest version of the JBrowse-in-Galaxy tool is now available! https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/iuc/jbrowse/7342f467507b This tool was discussed in a lightning talk at GCC2015 but would not install nicely due to a broken dependency chain. This has since been fixed and many features added in the latest version: * Support for dataset collections * Support for multiple contigs/genomes within the JBrowse instance * Excessive configuration options for controlling colouring of tracks * Removed interstitial, open JBrowse in the main panel with one click. * Support for translation tables other than table 1. More details in the pull request <https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/pull/507> for the curious. And a silly image to top it off :) Ciao, Eric -- Eric Rasche Programmer II Center for Phage Technology Rm 312A, BioBio Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 404-692-2048 esr@tamu.edu